About Me

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Born at the age of 4 in a woodcutter’s cottage in the Black Forest sometime next year, I’m a student at Leeds Met University studying Project Management. Despite the absolute lack of creative freedom, it’s alright and I’m quite good at it I suppose. Leeds Met is often referred to as ‘the other one’ in relation to its more distinguished cousin but I like to think it’s not important. We are all students of Leeds. I’m not an absolute ‘rah’ and I’m not a complete ‘spaz-tard’ – I’m very happily sandwiched in-between, all warm and snug. Anywho. I digress. I enjoy many things in life, from the humble Jaffa Cake and social intoxication to music and my attempts of being a ‘lad’. The idea of blogging has long been wandering aimlessly in my less-than-average sized head. During my previous life jumping when Yorkshire Water clapped, I put together a monthly newsletter which people seemed to like. So. Possessing a half decent grasp of the written word and the occasional tendency to be a bit of a douche, I thought ‘blogging’ could be a hoot. Enjoy. P.S. I must credit the late John Peel who I based my whole ‘born at the age of four...’ intro. Kudos, John. Kudos.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Eeney, Meeney, Miney...You're F*cked.

In the end, saying goodbye to 2010 was actually a little harder than I had initially imagined. I'd had an absolute blinder of a yah and if 2010's new pal 2011 (or '11 to his mates) has any sort of similarity, then I shall be contented with a view to being happy. Enough. Ish.

New Years Eve itself grew into a fantastic night. After dealing with a couple of admininistrative issues and Scream and Benga's riotous, rude, over-zealous and all-round wanky crowd, the team and I settled down by our disabled lift to welcome 2011 in to our dancey, sweaty bubble.

2011 started by somewhat scraping the barrel of social interaction whilst attempting to make the most of those given some freedom from the shackles of academia. Times of loneliness have easily been filled by plenty of good films, introducing Si to Black Books, whipping my hair back and forth, impromptu Saturday nights out in empty nightclubs and insulting Far Eastern women.

Based on the novel, 'The Scarlet Letter', the roomy and I very much enjoyed the film 'Easy A' - a Mean Girls-esque film starring Emma Stone (a hotty from Superbad who more importantly is NOT Lyndsey Lohan). The film showcased some very, very funny parents, a highlight of which being a foster father asking his clearly-adopted son where he was originally from.



Other films I've laughed, cried, gasped and gufawwed at include Half Nelson (druggy teacher), Dinner for Schmucks (Steve Carrell doing a really good impression of Steve Carrell), Hard Candy (Ellen Page was scary in her youth), Looking For Eric (gangland Manchester with a French touch), The Other Guys (dream line up) and not forgetting A Complete History of My Sexual Failures, which seemed all too relateable for me.

I've been pretty impressed with Si's continuing Ebay tekkers and having bagged a PlayStation for 100 pence, he has proceeded to buy around 320 games for which to play. I'm very excited for it's arrival, especially after tearing Adam and Si 'a new one' on Gran Turismo 2. Oh man. I can't believe I just said that. 'Tear a new one'? What is wrong with me?

In other news, I put courgette in a stir fry the other night and it was freaking amazing. Who knew?

I'd like to extend my sincere condolences to Crispies of Headingley Lane which suffered a terrible, terrible fire on the evening of Friday 7th January. I wish them a speedy, crispy, cheap and delicious recovery.

My good friends Michael and Kev (with their very respectable lady-type-friends Liz and Kate) will be visiting on Friday to see Miles Kane play at the Brudenell, which should be a bit awesome.

However, in one of the most awful social clashes since finding out that Craig Charles is playing on the same night as (and I quote) "Dan P's Awesome Massive Super-Lash" (which will involve some flippin' ace people, Busy P, Nero, Jack Beats and other spinny-types), the gig will see me miss out on the infamous Academy Christmas Party...cook a crayon.

There's plenty on at the Academy in February and would very much like to be involved in the following gigs:

Hurts (6th)
Feeder (8th)
NME Awards with Crystal Castles (9th)
Good Charlotte (erm, why not?) (11th)
White Lies (13th)
Rob Zombie and Skindred (21st)
The Streets (24th)

As disappointed as I am with James Blake (see Facebook status "James Blake's album is absolutely toilet...I much prefer the American tennis man"), I'm very much in love with Funeral Party at the moment. Their album comes out on the 24th and I for one (despite it clashing majorly with the Hospitality night at the Academy and Martin Doorly and Zane Lowe taking on the decks at the Faversham) am pretty game to see them a la Cockpit on Friday February 4th.

Funeral Party - NYC Moves To The Sound Of LA (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1ZR9R9LVeQ)

I leave you with news that I, Simon Nigel Danger Wood from a small northern provincial town, have been sleeping with Zooey Deschanel for nearly a month now and we are very, very happy.

Happy Jew Queer!

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